Trapiezius Slimming

The trapezius muscle is a large triangular-shaped muscle located at the back of the neck and upper back and is responsible for shoulder movement and stability.

Trapezius slimming, also known as trapezoid muscle reduction, is a cosmetic procedure designed to reduce the size and prominence of the trapezius muscles.


  • The trapezius muscle is a large triangular-shaped muscle located at the back of the neck and upper back and is responsible for shoulder movement and stability.

    For some people, their trapezoids or ‘traps’ can bulk out and become more prominent, and this added bulk raises the area between the neck and the shoulder to sit higher. It shortens the neck and thickens the back, causing what is known as a ‘hulking’ effect.

  • Trapezius slimming, also known as trapezoid muscle reduction, is a cosmetic procedure designed to reduce the size and prominence of the trapezius muscles. The procedure is often sought after for aesthetic reasons, particularly to achieve a slimmer neck and upper back appearance. However, it may also be recommended for individuals experiencing trapezius hypertrophy, a condition characterised by an enlarged and overactive trapezius muscle.

    Book in for consultation to find out further information

Treatment Suggestions

Cosmetic Aesthetics

At SDP Aesthetics, we boast a range of world-class medical aesthetic treatments to help you combat your areas of concern. Due to TGA regulations we are unable to list all medical aesthetic treatments on offer.

We recommend booking in a consultation to allow you to discuss your goals and concerns openly with Sarah.

Treatment Suggestions

At SDP Aesthetics, we boast a range of world-class medical aesthetic treatments to help you combat your areas of concern. We recommend booking in a consultation to allow you to discuss your goals and concerns openly with Sarah. Due to TGA regulations we are unable to list all medical aesthetic treatments on offer.