Sarah Dalla Palma

With over 30 years clinical experience Sarah is a highly sought after, advanced cosmetic nurse and skin clinician. 

With Sarah - you are in safe hands. Medically Sarah’s background is as a registered nurse, a midwife and nurse educator with over 30 years professional nursing experience. 

She has a incredible eye for detail in facial aesthetics and takes pride in helping her clients achieve beautiful natural results.

Sarah will help you feel and look freshened up, explaining every step of the way in detail and tailoring a personalised plan to help you achieve the results you desire. Her goal is for you to become the best version of yourself, leaving you refreshed, confident and totally satisfied.

Q&A with Sarah

What inspired you to become a cosmetic nurse?

As a working mother of five, I often found that I placed myself last. I still remember the day I caught myself in the mirror and I suddenly looked tired, aged and deflated. For so many years I put my family and my children first, and now it was finally time for me. 
I got into this industry as I am passionate about helping my clients bring back their confidence that we all deserve.

What is your approach to cosmetic medicine?

There has been some work and trends over the past few years that have given our industry a somewhat sour taste. That is not what I am about.

In my late forties myself, I understand that life does give us some beautiful signs of life experience on our faces. We do not want to remove those all entirely. 

My focus is on facial architecture. I strive to keep your natural beautiful look, but with the added extra of a little freshen up. People should be asking you “what have you been doing?”…. “have you been on a holiday?” Because you look great!

What treatment do you see becoming popular this year?

The rise in male cosmetic treatments! I see Masculinisation treatments being the new-norm. This treatment involves enhancing specific male facial attributes, such as structured cheeks, chiselled chins and strong masculine jawlines.

I hear a lot of woman complaining about their necks and hands... we have mastered the face, so lets now master the necks and hands! It's a passion of mine and a lot of new procedures and treatments coming out for these areas.

I am also really excited about Skin Booster treatments and PDO Thread. My passion list is endless - It is amazing what we can do with one needle these days!