Neck Ageing & Tech Neck

The neck is an area of the body that is particularly prone to showing signs of ageing, including sagging skin, wrinkles, and loss of definition. The signs of neck ageing can begin to manifest in one's 40s or 50s, becoming more prominent with further ageing and environmental exposures.

Tech Neck refers to the impact on our skin from the repetitive straining motion can essentially weaken the skin's elasticity and collagen, making it more prone to wrinkling and sagging or show a prominent line on our necks.

Treatment Suggestions

Cosmetic Aesthetics

At SDP Aesthetics, we boast a range of world-class medical aesthetic treatments to help you combat your areas of concern. Due to TGA regulations we are unable to list all medical aesthetic treatments on offer.

We recommend booking in a consultation to allow you to discuss your goals and concerns openly with Sarah.