Teeth & Jaw Grinding

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, and jaw clenching are relatively common conditions that involve the involuntary or habitual grinding, gnashing, or clenching of the teeth and jaw.

These behaviours can occur during the day or, more commonly, during sleep, and may be linked to various factors, including stress, dental misalignment, and underlying medical conditions.


  • We encourage our clients to see their dentist to get a thorough dental exam and to see the reasoning for the grinding.

    There are options for dental correction with splints and mouth guards.

  • There are options to help alleviate the grinding. Book in for a consultation to understand options in further detail.

Treatment Suggestions

Cosmetic Aesthetics

At SDP Aesthetics, we boast a range of world-class medical aesthetic treatments to help you combat your areas of concern. Due to TGA regulations we are unable to list all medical aesthetic treatments on offer.

We recommend booking in a consultation to allow you to discuss your goals and concerns openly with Sarah.