Double Chin

Excess submental fat, commonly referred to as a "double chin," occurs when there is an accumulation of fat beneath the chin, leading to a fuller or more pronounced appearance in that area. While genetics, weight gain, and aging are common factors that contribute to excess submental fat, there are treatments available to help reduce or eliminate this concern.


  • Excess submental fat can be caused by genetic predisposition, weight gain, aging, poor posture, or a combination of these factors. Genetics may play a significant role in determining how fat is distributed in the body, including the submental area.

  • In some cases, mild cases of excess submental fat may improve with diet and exercise. However, spot reduction (targeting fat loss in specific areas) is challenging, and some individuals may find it difficult to reduce submental fat through traditional weight loss methods.

Treatment Suggestions

At SDP Aesthetics, we boast a range of world-class medical aesthetic treatments to help you combat your areas of concern. Due to TGA regulations we are unable to list all medical aesthetic treatments on offer.

We recommend booking in a consultation to allow you to discuss your goals and concerns openly with Sarah.